Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Troubled Water

Troubled Water 

Troubled water flows throughout my veins

Waterborne diseases like cholera, hepatitis,  and e. coli  are some causes for my pain

Quenching my thirst for water to survive, I have been denied

Because drinkable water for the poor does not stream towards our side

Thousands of years we have survived by the access to our human right

Today access comes with a cost, but my pennies are just far too tight

Thousands of children are dying every month for reasons similar to my pain

For the very own price that far too many flushes down the drain

My sorrows, darkens the hope for tomorrow, because troubled water flows throughout my veins

Written by Nikki Rowe

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Dramatization Shoot at Douglas Park and Kenter Canyon

This is a shot from our "What if?" dramatization that is weaved throughout our film.

We filmed at Douglas Park with a group of dancer's from Suzanne's (Director) studio where she teaches at MNR Dance Factory.  We filmed a "what if" scene pertaining to "what if it was an American reality that our children died from the simple act of drinking water?"  Crew Cinematographer Elizabeth Sarinana is getting a  great overhead shot of the "kid action".

Here is our "hero" Scarlett

Elizabeth (Cinematographer left), Suzanne (Director right)
Scarlett (center), Zoie "production assistant" (bottom right, Suzanne's daughter)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Community Water Center Advocates

Our crew drove up north to the city of Visalia to visit the non-profit "Community Water Center" where they advocate for poor communities like Seville. Their vision is that clean water should be a human right and not a privilege.  Suzanne (Director) and Nikki Rowe (Cinematographer) prepare to film an interview with activists who run the organization.

Troubled Water in Seville

In the farming community of Seville in the San Joaquin Valley our group talks to activist and community resident Becky Quintana about their water crisis.  The San Joaquin Valley's farming industry and many dairies pollutes the ground water with contaminants such as Nitrates that cause disease and "blue baby syndrome".   Although their water is tested to have illegal amounts of contaminants it still flows with no response of change in sight.